Demo: Ransom Vehicle through Charging Pile


Ransom attacks have attracted widespread attention from researchers, however, there have been relatively few researches on vehicles, especially for electric vehicles (EVs). Such attacks mainly accomplish their purpose by exploiting vulnerabilities of vehicle itself, but often have a narrow attack surface. In this demo with real EVs and public charging piles, we show a new approach, the Charging Pile Ransom Attack (CPRA), that can remotely ransom EVs through the charging connector between EVs and charging piles. Additionally, we design a physical plugin for charging connectors that can extend the EV models affected by the described ransom attack. In this case, the CPRA needs a preparing step to locally install the plugin on the connector.

In Proceedings of the 2023 Inaugural Symposium on Vehicle Security and Privacy. San Diego, California, Feburary 27, 2023. (Acceptance rate: 32/83=36.0% (overall), 20/49=40.8% (regular), 2/6=33.3% (short), 6/16=37.5% (wpi), and 4/12=33.3% (demons/posters))


In this demo with real EVs and public charging piles, we show a new approach, the Charging Pile Ransom Attack (CPRA), that can remotely ransom EVs through the charging connector between EVs and charging piles.
